dh cuti dh kew???
huhuhu xske la cmneyh..
xbesh2.. xseronok lgsung..huhuhu
sy nk skula.. sy nk latih kawad.. sy nk urus team KAMI..
sy nk jmpe die tiap2 ari..
pasti seronok!!!!
mne buleyh an??
dh d bagi cuti.. sy kne trime walau xrela...
* ayt skema ja..haaha
cg2 sume pntang lepskn peluang meh..
tau x??
tiap kali de dak2 klas sy msok bilik guru ja..
cg akn pggil n serahkn beberapa helai kertas sbg omwek di kala cuti..
aisehh.. so syiok la chegu..
ti nek skula sume dok lenguh2 kaki n tgn..hahhaa
jwb nye cuti xleyh g mne2 meh..
dok umah.. n sediakn jadual kje n bljar yg padat..
agr omwek leyh siap cept2..
eh2.. karakter ke2 aq dh xkembali wt smntara..
alhmdulillah.. aq suke.,.
aq epy,..
n aq seronok gileeeeerrr la...
doakn yep???
agr karakter kedua aq hapus..
'sikit2 dlu..heheh
okey2 papai.. mao siapkn omwek..
sume beratur mntx disiapkn..
tata titi tutu.. Assalamualaikum..:) syunk kam00 , die n awak..<3 <3 <3
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
keletihan + epy..
alhmdulillah.. setelh seminggu *dtg tiap2 petg ke sek..
siap suda kiteowg *6owg.. mnegecat klas.. berwarne biru laut (kesukaan aq..yeayyy)
syukur la sgt2..
xperlulah kne mendh tinge utk mendgr letern dr 'ibu' kesygn kami tiap2 pagi...
berty " bile nk siapkn cat kelas?? ape lg yg diperlukn..?? bla.. bla .. bla.. "
n kiteowg akn jwb (sme2) " jap lg teacher.. skit je lgi.. ti petg kiteowg dtg.. list barg kt dlm beg teacher.. " smbil senyum..hehe
esok merentas desa..
w/pon xjauh (3.5km je) tp penat nye.. Ya Allah.. cm nk tgok stu tong air mineral ja..
tp lelaki lg jauhhh.. cian kt my lit bro(dua2 skali)..dh cm ikan kne jemur.. *jdk gesek..
petg neyh tibe2 lak nk un9 fb..
coz dak2 nye ( sL & f3) ckp bfday cg neeza..
wah2..otai la pggilan die at skula..
tp still cun melecun beb..
klu die pkai tudung yg aq suke tuh..
muke die iras2 YUNA.,.
ala penyanyi uh.. terpesona kte kwn aq..
one more,
ma diey un9..
wah2 kredit kpd cik ENNz..
coz bgtau kt aq..hahaha
tq yup..
sonok bual sme2..
dh lme xchat..coz dua2 busy study..* klu kew??hahaha
kne marah dlu bru la aq ngadap buku..kih3..
die kuat study o0o0 skrg..
chaiyok2.. gudluck weyh..
muuuaahhh micx u so much..
k lah.. kne out dlu..
letih dh aq dok ats kerusi xempuk neyh..*tq mom..hehe
nk bersihkn kuku *yg dh kne cat minyak td..
smbil tgk tv ( aq neyh memg antu tv.. so jgn la lepskn peluang..yeayy )
hahah chow chin chau dlu followers..
tata.. mish u guys too.. a lot.. muahhhhh
Assalamualaikum.. t8 care awaz.. jum study *angan2 sje..hehe
siap suda kiteowg *6owg.. mnegecat klas.. berwarne biru laut (kesukaan aq..yeayyy)
syukur la sgt2..
xperlulah kne mendh tinge utk mendgr letern dr 'ibu' kesygn kami tiap2 pagi...
berty " bile nk siapkn cat kelas?? ape lg yg diperlukn..?? bla.. bla .. bla.. "
n kiteowg akn jwb (sme2) " jap lg teacher.. skit je lgi.. ti petg kiteowg dtg.. list barg kt dlm beg teacher.. " smbil senyum..hehe
esok merentas desa..
w/pon xjauh (3.5km je) tp penat nye.. Ya Allah.. cm nk tgok stu tong air mineral ja..
tp lelaki lg jauhhh.. cian kt my lit bro(dua2 skali)..dh cm ikan kne jemur.. *jdk gesek..
petg neyh tibe2 lak nk un9 fb..
coz dak2 nye ( sL & f3) ckp bfday cg neeza..
wah2..otai la pggilan die at skula..
tp still cun melecun beb..
klu die pkai tudung yg aq suke tuh..
muke die iras2 YUNA.,.
ala penyanyi uh.. terpesona kte kwn aq..
one more,
ma diey un9..
wah2 kredit kpd cik ENNz..
coz bgtau kt aq..hahaha
tq yup..
sonok bual sme2..
dh lme xchat..coz dua2 busy study..* klu kew??hahaha
kne marah dlu bru la aq ngadap buku..kih3..
die kuat study o0o0 skrg..
chaiyok2.. gudluck weyh..
muuuaahhh micx u so much..
k lah.. kne out dlu..
letih dh aq dok ats kerusi xempuk neyh..*tq mom..hehe
nk bersihkn kuku *yg dh kne cat minyak td..
smbil tgk tv ( aq neyh memg antu tv.. so jgn la lepskn peluang..yeayy )
hahah chow chin chau dlu followers..
tata.. mish u guys too.. a lot.. muahhhhh
Assalamualaikum.. t8 care awaz.. jum study *angan2 sje..hehe
Saturday, January 15, 2011
lakonan idopku...
stu kejadian pelik berlaku at aq..
aq xtau ape sebb n musabab nye..
tibe2 mlm td aq TER-mimpi psl seseorang..
orang yg m'ingtkn aq ttg olhraga..
pelik an??
hmm aq un xtau cmner tibe2 die msok dlm mmpi aq..
mmg dh lme xjmpe die..
rindu?? mgkinla kowt..
ingt dlu tyme lathn team olhraga
sme2 angkt beban w/pon ringan..
gelak sme2..
kau ingt xsume tuh??
aq xpenh lpew tyme kau mntx aq rakamkn vid tok kau..
kau kte khas tok ehem2 kau..
aq ikot kn gax..
tp mggu depn nye aq tgk kau sdey..xceria un walau kau dh jdk johan..
kau kte aritu makwe kau mntx clash..
sebb diew dh de 4we baru..
kau citer sume nye kt aq dr A --> Z smbil wt lawk..
kau ingt lg x??
kau jnji ngn aq..
kau xkn pndh.. jaauuhh dr aq..
tp bilew aq dpt tau kau pndh.. sakit nye aty aq mse tuh..
aq xtau nk ckp pew..
seminggu aq mjok ngn kau..
kau kte dlu kite sush sme2..
senang sme2.. npe kau mgkir i2??
kau tggalkan aq sowg2 kt sni..
sepi tnpa teman..
lepas neyh dh xde owg nk support aq agi..
dh xde owg nk bg aq smgat bile aq de game ..
xde lgi dh owg wt lwk n ceriakn ari2 aq..
dh xkn ade lg kegembiraan antara kitew..
sume nye musnah begitu sje..
kejam nye kau ngn aq..
salah aq ke slalu susah kn kau??
slalu wt kau geram ngn sikap aq??
apew2 hal un..
aq tetp epy bile kau epy..
aq xpena lpew kt kau..
sowie la dlu slalu buli2 kau.. usik kau ngn ****
aq tau kau xmarah.. cme sje wt derk..
apew2 un tq 4 everythg..
aq tetp ingt kau dlm lipatan kenangan kite berdua.. *insyaAllah..
hope kau tros success dlm idop oke??
aq tau kau xcmbonk..cme TER-ikot2 jew.. aq phm..
sowie sebb slalu MEN-yemakkn diri aq
dlm kehidupn kau..
hope kau bhgia ngn AWEKS kau sekrg..
aq xpernh hrpkn yg lebih..
juz mpu lihat dr jauh..
n tq 4 call-ING td..
w/pon tau kau tgh epy..:))
aq xtau ape sebb n musabab nye..
tibe2 mlm td aq TER-mimpi psl seseorang..
orang yg m'ingtkn aq ttg olhraga..
pelik an??
hmm aq un xtau cmner tibe2 die msok dlm mmpi aq..
mmg dh lme xjmpe die..
rindu?? mgkinla kowt..
ingt dlu tyme lathn team olhraga
sme2 angkt beban w/pon ringan..
gelak sme2..
kau ingt xsume tuh??
aq xpenh lpew tyme kau mntx aq rakamkn vid tok kau..
kau kte khas tok ehem2 kau..
aq ikot kn gax..
tp mggu depn nye aq tgk kau sdey..xceria un walau kau dh jdk johan..
kau kte aritu makwe kau mntx clash..
sebb diew dh de 4we baru..
kau citer sume nye kt aq dr A --> Z smbil wt lawk..
kau ingt lg x??
kau jnji ngn aq..
kau xkn pndh.. jaauuhh dr aq..
tp bilew aq dpt tau kau pndh.. sakit nye aty aq mse tuh..
aq xtau nk ckp pew..
seminggu aq mjok ngn kau..
kau kte dlu kite sush sme2..
senang sme2.. npe kau mgkir i2??
kau tggalkan aq sowg2 kt sni..
sepi tnpa teman..
lepas neyh dh xde owg nk support aq agi..
dh xde owg nk bg aq smgat bile aq de game ..
xde lgi dh owg wt lwk n ceriakn ari2 aq..
dh xkn ade lg kegembiraan antara kitew..
sume nye musnah begitu sje..
kejam nye kau ngn aq..
salah aq ke slalu susah kn kau??
slalu wt kau geram ngn sikap aq??
apew2 hal un..
aq tetp epy bile kau epy..
aq xpena lpew kt kau..
sowie la dlu slalu buli2 kau.. usik kau ngn ****
aq tau kau xmarah.. cme sje wt derk..
apew2 un tq 4 everythg..
aq tetp ingt kau dlm lipatan kenangan kite berdua.. *insyaAllah..
hope kau tros success dlm idop oke??
aq tau kau xcmbonk..cme TER-ikot2 jew.. aq phm..
sowie sebb slalu MEN-yemakkn diri aq
dlm kehidupn kau..
hope kau bhgia ngn AWEKS kau sekrg..
aq xpernh hrpkn yg lebih..
juz mpu lihat dr jauh..
n tq 4 call-ING td..
w/pon tau kau tgh epy..:))
Thursday, January 13, 2011
gurauanmu pengubat atyku
wah2.. dsyt x tjok??? *ehem2 sblom tuh.. Assalamualaikum pmbuka bicara ..hehehe hmm sebnarnye nk citer psl kt skula aritu.. xsmpt nk update plok.. heheh maaf deh sma kamoo.. mcm2 bnde epy jdk at aq... weyh2.. sonok glew beb... haha puas kiteowg gelak ja.. alahai.. smpai tekak aq mao bengkak... aiyouyou...
firstly, tyme agama.. ustazah ajar psl bab ibadah.. aq xtau un ape isi nye coz xpenh selak buku rujukn tyme cuti...hehehe dh2 tuh, bukak2 je tros bab kawen.. hahha sronok gilew... (ellow2.. bukn aq je tau?? mmbe2 aq lgi la.. sume nye nek ***** hahah dsyt weyh.. ustzh memg suke citer psl diri die.. kire smbil blaja smbil citer la.. dan2 tuh gax.. msok bab prmpuan yg HARAM dinikahi.. ustzh nk bg cth gne nme.. tp klu manusia, msty snsitif an?? *sebb bg cth ttg hukum ank zina... tau ustzh bg nme apew?? AYAMA(smpena Ayam) - betina ++ BERUKA(beruk pnya cucu) - jate.. tau dpt ank apew?? GAJE beb... hahahhaa xabesh2 kiteowg gelak aritu.. mse ustzh kua un.. lg la sakan diowg gelak.. smpai xmo bersihkn papan hitm sebb nk lepskn nafsu gelak.. alahai kowg neyh.. sepakk maoo ka??hahaha
then, mse reht xsilap.. ape slh aq or slh 'dia'.. kiteowg berlggar.. adoiii sakit nye dahi aq.. nsb bek xbenjoll woo.. hahah merh gax cm epal.. kih3.. 'dia' nk g bilik guru laki, aq plak nk g bilik guru prmpuan.. aq tgh semak ketas2 , 'dia' plak ngh carek2 kelibt cg.. smpai xpsn aq yg besar cm GAJAH neyh depn 'dia' cian2.. hhehe nsb bek xde owg.. xla aq malu.. hahaha pas 2 an.. hahaha *de somethg berlaku.. shuhhhh rhsia2.. hehe
akhir skali tyme bm.. arini nye mase.. carek watak dlm novel.. al-maklum..novel kiteowg an baru.. so kne kaji n analisis sndiri la jwbnye.. xbleyh blah btol.. adew dlm 50++ watak dlm novel tuh.1st time jmpe novel yg sarat dgn watak..gile mereng otak aq dowh... hahaha yg adew tuh Haji Ahmad Bonjol nme nye *klu xsilap la.. alahai.. abesh gelak dak2 nye tau..hehe
~ k lah mao out dlu.. sakit muntut aq dok lme2.. leps neyh mao baring plak.. smbil2 try lelapkn mata..
esok ari temubcg.. plg xske... hehehe n esok nk urus dak2 laks nye lis nme.. ohh tidakk.. so many omwek plak dh.. haha neyh owg kate.. xde keje tp gatai mencarik..hehe okey2 daaa Assalamualaikum :) jge diri baek2 yop..hehe
firstly, tyme agama.. ustazah ajar psl bab ibadah.. aq xtau un ape isi nye coz xpenh selak buku rujukn tyme cuti...hehehe dh2 tuh, bukak2 je tros bab kawen.. hahha sronok gilew... (ellow2.. bukn aq je tau?? mmbe2 aq lgi la.. sume nye nek ***** hahah dsyt weyh.. ustzh memg suke citer psl diri die.. kire smbil blaja smbil citer la.. dan2 tuh gax.. msok bab prmpuan yg HARAM dinikahi.. ustzh nk bg cth gne nme.. tp klu manusia, msty snsitif an?? *sebb bg cth ttg hukum ank zina... tau ustzh bg nme apew?? AYAMA(smpena Ayam) - betina ++ BERUKA(beruk pnya cucu) - jate.. tau dpt ank apew?? GAJE beb... hahahhaa xabesh2 kiteowg gelak aritu.. mse ustzh kua un.. lg la sakan diowg gelak.. smpai xmo bersihkn papan hitm sebb nk lepskn nafsu gelak.. alahai kowg neyh.. sepakk maoo ka??hahaha
then, mse reht xsilap.. ape slh aq or slh 'dia'.. kiteowg berlggar.. adoiii sakit nye dahi aq.. nsb bek xbenjoll woo.. hahah merh gax cm epal.. kih3.. 'dia' nk g bilik guru laki, aq plak nk g bilik guru prmpuan.. aq tgh semak ketas2 , 'dia' plak ngh carek2 kelibt cg.. smpai xpsn aq yg besar cm GAJAH neyh depn 'dia' cian2.. hhehe nsb bek xde owg.. xla aq malu.. hahaha pas 2 an.. hahaha *de somethg berlaku.. shuhhhh rhsia2.. hehe
akhir skali tyme bm.. arini nye mase.. carek watak dlm novel.. al-maklum..novel kiteowg an baru.. so kne kaji n analisis sndiri la jwbnye.. xbleyh blah btol.. adew dlm 50++ watak dlm novel tuh.1st time jmpe novel yg sarat dgn watak..gile mereng otak aq dowh... hahaha yg adew tuh Haji Ahmad Bonjol nme nye *klu xsilap la.. alahai.. abesh gelak dak2 nye tau..hehe
~ k lah mao out dlu.. sakit muntut aq dok lme2.. leps neyh mao baring plak.. smbil2 try lelapkn mata..
esok ari temubcg.. plg xske... hehehe n esok nk urus dak2 laks nye lis nme.. ohh tidakk.. so many omwek plak dh.. haha neyh owg kate.. xde keje tp gatai mencarik..hehe okey2 daaa Assalamualaikum :) jge diri baek2 yop..hehe
Monday, January 10, 2011
fuhh.. xpedisi perlmbakan kje umah bermulaaa!!!!
akhirnye berkesempatan jugak aq nk menaip at blog kesygn aq neyh..hehe
bukn xmo update.. tp byk bnde nk kne setelkan..
alhmdulillah sume nye msh dlm kawalan agi..:)
firstly, keadaan dh semakin harokk di kelas..
jumaat leps, kiteowg change positions diowg..
tuka punye tuka pnye tuka.. last2 dlm kedudukn yg diingini..*haha aq pishkn dak2 nakal..bia dok jauh2..yeay
n nk tau aq dok ngn spew???
knfem2 la dok ngn die...
spew eak??
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cntex an2??hehehe aq dok ngn diew + komalah.. si mulut murai tuh..hehe ape2 un epy beb.. yeayy |
secondly, td de meeting rumh2 pasokan.. ingtkn bleyh leps agi thn neyh..
upe2 nye hampehh siot..
alahai..neyh sume gare2 sore alin la..hohoo..
tembak kau lin..*buln 3 ti la..hehe
gara2 diew.. organisasi lksamana jdk begini..
Pengerusi : si Gapo ank baba..
Naib : it's me la..:(
s/u : si debab
naib: mlot hampeh..*rockers kire..
bend : haneeza aweks *ehem2
naib : anis si ank cg Abu Zack..
n at least..dpt gax aq kne kn dak tuh...hahah pdn muke.. amek kau.. xmo jdk ketua?? xpew2.. xmo jdk ketua koman?? xpew2.. lek lu.. xmo jdk ajk?? tmpa mao??haha akhirnye sume dh stuju.. alhmdulillah.. hope taun neyh lg elok dr thn leps..
target :
a) peringkt skula :
~ Emas 4 lempar Cakere (mao wt rekod.. kurg2 un 20m insyaAllah)
~ Perak 4 Lontar Peluru (klu leyh..lwn piqa la..hehe )
~ Emas 4 Rejam lembing.. (agk2 leyh x smkpai 17m thn neyh?? cbe2..yeayy)
*(xtanye ke npew aq xmsok larian?? haha kwn aq ckp" kau xpyh la.. bdn dh aty mao larii?? haha aq tau die sje usik aq.. dh anta 'wakil' la..hehe tggu la khaba nye..*peace)
b) prgkat mssd :
~ Emas 4 Lempar Cakera ( klu bley kowt..hehe)
~ Perak 4 Rejam Lembing (cicak dh blah.. aq plak gnti tmpt die..*biawak kire..)

- ckopla dlu coretan aq wt mse neyh.. letih suda duk ats kerusi neyh..xempokk lgsung..hahaha.. nsb bek esok cuti..leyh la lyn2 tenet sat.. ti de trnsformasi dr kiteowg..tggu yep..hehe syunk kowg.. dr luahan rasa bingkisan jiwa..-
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
bhn 4 dak2 f4..gudluck beb..:))
Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about a short story called QWERTYUIOP. Here are some notes that would help you to understand the text better. Thank you to CDC for providing us with a complete Literature Component module.
Lucy Beck : She is a young, shy and insecure graduate of secreterial studies. She is issatisfied with her current life and is determined to improve it. She obtains a position with Ross and Bannister's, only to find that the position comes with a chilling secret.
Ghost of Ms.Bloome : She was the previous employee of Ross and Bannister's. She is unwilling to let go of her position and continues to defend her post, even after her demise.
Lucy's mother : A housewife who lives a hard life. She has to support her brother.
Uncle Bert : Depends on his sister for support. He is also a drunkard.
Harry Darke : Ross and Bannister's handyman. He is an old man who has been working with the company for years.
Mr. Ross : The younger partner of the company.
Ghost of Ms.Bloome : She was the previous employee of Ross and Bannister's. She is unwilling to let go of her position and continues to defend her post, even after her demise.
Lucy's mother : A housewife who lives a hard life. She has to support her brother.
Uncle Bert : Depends on his sister for support. He is also a drunkard.
Harry Darke : Ross and Bannister's handyman. He is an old man who has been working with the company for years.
Mr. Ross : The younger partner of the company.
The story revolves around two main settings: Lucy's house which she shares with her mother and her Uncle Bert, and the office of Ross and Bannister's where Lucy works as a secretary.
EXPOSITION - Lucy starts working in Ross and Bannister's. Harry Darke gives her hints of thehaunting of the typewriter by Miss Broome.
CONFLICT - Lucy types her letter but she is bewildered that her letter has extraordinary words that are not typed by her.
CLIMAX - Lucy retypes her letter but is challenged by Miss Broome who asks her to leave and even threatens her. Lucy battles woth it by using correcting liquid to clean off words typed by Miss Broome.
FALLING ACTION - Lucy learns about Miss Broome and her haunting of the typewriter.
RESOLUTION - Lucy types and talks to Miss Broome and convinces her to leave this world peacefully and go to other world. Lucy keeps her job in Ross and Bannister's.
CONFLICT - Lucy types her letter but she is bewildered that her letter has extraordinary words that are not typed by her.
CLIMAX - Lucy retypes her letter but is challenged by Miss Broome who asks her to leave and even threatens her. Lucy battles woth it by using correcting liquid to clean off words typed by Miss Broome.
FALLING ACTION - Lucy learns about Miss Broome and her haunting of the typewriter.
RESOLUTION - Lucy types and talks to Miss Broome and convinces her to leave this world peacefully and go to other world. Lucy keeps her job in Ross and Bannister's.
Possible themes that can be found in the short story are determination, possessiveness, loyalty, loneliness, commitment, the supernatural, and compassion.
Despite the supernatural nature by which Ms. Broome badgers and demoralises Lucy, she shows no signs of giving in to her demand. Instead, she is steadfast in defending her position as the secretary.
Not even death could part Ms. Broome from what she feels is rightfully hers. She continues to haunt the office through her electronic typewriter.
As with her possesiveness towards her job, Ms. Broome was also extremely loyal towards Mr. Bannister. Even after she passed on, her spirit continued in its endeavour to serve her employer.
Loneliness can be a strong influence in a person's life. Ms. Broome had no life outside of her office. That made her more possesive of her position in the company; a possesiveness that went beyond the grave.
This attribute can be clearly seen in both Lucy and Ms. Broome. Both are extremely committed to their profession.
It is interesting that such an integral character in the story happens to be an ethereal entity. Yet this theme is rather prominent in the story.
This theme holds water especially in the final confrontation between Lucy and Ms. Broome. It is not through hatred nor coercion that Lucy manages to outsmart Ms. Broome, rather, it was through compassion and understanding of Ms. Broome's intentions.
Possible themes that can be found in the short story are determination, possessiveness, loyalty, loneliness, commitment, the supernatural, and compassion.
Despite the supernatural nature by which Ms. Broome badgers and demoralises Lucy, she shows no signs of giving in to her demand. Instead, she is steadfast in defending her position as the secretary.
Not even death could part Ms. Broome from what she feels is rightfully hers. She continues to haunt the office through her electronic typewriter.
As with her possesiveness towards her job, Ms. Broome was also extremely loyal towards Mr. Bannister. Even after she passed on, her spirit continued in its endeavour to serve her employer.
Loneliness can be a strong influence in a person's life. Ms. Broome had no life outside of her office. That made her more possesive of her position in the company; a possesiveness that went beyond the grave.
This attribute can be clearly seen in both Lucy and Ms. Broome. Both are extremely committed to their profession.
It is interesting that such an integral character in the story happens to be an ethereal entity. Yet this theme is rather prominent in the story.
This theme holds water especially in the final confrontation between Lucy and Ms. Broome. It is not through hatred nor coercion that Lucy manages to outsmart Ms. Broome, rather, it was through compassion and understanding of Ms. Broome's intentions.
1. Do not judge a person merely through credentials or qualifications
2. We must be committed and responsible to our vocation or profession
3. We must value our family.
2. We must be committed and responsible to our vocation or profession
3. We must value our family.
other novel.. english op coz... enjoy it.. nice!!! =)
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For Pahang,Terengganu, Johor, Sabah,Sarawak and Labuan |
Here's the blurb:
In The Curse, Azreen takes time off from her studies in London, UK to return to her village in one of the legendary islands of Langkawi, to mourn the loss of her older sister, Madhuri. But as it turns out, she has to confront the mystery that shrouds her sister's sudden death in suspicious circumstances.
Was it her imagination that Madhuri was in danger? Azreen felt a chill. The words that she had overheard the day before came back to her. Puan Normala had been talking to a few women and did not realize that Azreen was just in the next room and could hear every word.
"You won't believe me, but I'm telling the truth. I saw her," hissed Normala. "It was no accident. It was murder. Listen to me and keep this in mind. This is just the beginning." A few women chuckled nervously. But Normala continued. "Laugh if you like. You'll soon see. We're all cursed."
(Credit: Alan wong , STAR Publications)
CERPEN is a word I haven’t heard of since I left school. It perfectly sums up Lee Su-Ann’s The Curse, the second prizewinner in the English Novel Category of the Utusan Group’s Young Adult Literature Competition of 2005. It has since been published and ready to enthral sceptics of local literature.
The Curse showcases village girl Azreen, who takes a sabbatical from her studies overseas and returns to her hometown in her sleepy village in an island south of Langkawi. Her homecoming is greeted by the tragic death of her sister Mahduri, the fair blossom of the unnamed village. The incident leaves her parents traumatised, especially her mother, whose senility becomes more pronounced.
In the aftermath of her sister’s end, possibly due to foul play, a strange pall hangs over the village. There’s the token ghostly figure in white. Making things worse with allusions of a curse is Puan Normala the village gossip, who is guaranteed to get under your skin.
Sinking into that familiar fugue that follows the loss of a loved one, Azreen revisits memories of her youth, good and bad. She finds no comfort from her sullen father or delirious mother. Thankfully, at no point does our heroine go into Nancy Drew mode. Throughout the novel we are informed via flashbacks that our heroine is no typical village girl, even in her younger days: tomboyish, headstrong and not above talking back to her elders. Which might explain her estrangement from her parents.
Main distractions come in the form of Mohd Asraf, the hot-headed village hunk, whom Azreen had a crush on in her younger days. There’s also the mysterious outcast, an old lady whom Azreen befriends. Spicing things further is Mahduri’s recent marriage to the village headman, the jealous fits of the headman’s first wife, and some livestock that shared the victim’s fate.
Was Mahduri murdered? Is there really a vengeful spirit stalking the village? Will Azreen get the guy? Who, or what killed the animals? Will it ever stop raining? Are Mahduri’s parents Bollywood fans? And why won’t that irritating Puan Normala just shut up? I bet you’d like to know.
At first glance, it doesn’t look like much. It is almost pocket-sized, and borrows a lot from existing works. Mahsuri legend? Check. Vengeful spirits? Check. Rip-off of Stephenie Meyer’s cover to New Moon, complete with bloodied white flower? Check. Script from a typical Drama Minggu Ini? Check. Compensation for all that comes in the believable portrayal of the rural Malay village and its inhabitants.
The level of suspense is quite credible, but the execution is hardly subtle. Hints pointing to something sinister in Mahduri’s demise start falling like ripe durians about halfway through the story. Thankfully, they will all miss their mark, and we are thus spared from a predictable ending.
Lack of originality aside, there aren’t a lot of issues with The Curse. Its small size is actually an advantage. It probably kept the author focused on telling the story without any added fluff – all the elements of one good story in one miniscule package. I’m still amazed at how the author pulled it off.
The Curse is further proof that the local literary scene is neither dead nor moribund. This edition is a nice comfortable read for everybody – especially those with short attention span – as opposed to that 700-odd page international award-winning bestseller.
Plus, it’s actually readable.
Here's another review:
(credit Fuziana)
“The Curse” is about a girl, named Azreen, her parents and sister, Madhuri. Azreen, a strong-headed girl is studying in London but has to take a leave from her study when she receives the news about her sister’s death. She is curious about the cause of her sister’s sudden death. When she reaches home, her sister’s body has been brought to the cemetery. She overhears a village gossiper, Puan Normala talks about her sister’s death. Normala claims that her sister has been murdered and has shed white blood.
On her return, Azreen discovers a few truths about her family and people around her. First she finds out that her sister has been in love with Asraf, and has planned to marry and divorced her husband, Hj Ghani. Second, Awang, the Shaman has actually caused the accident which his parents are involved in and causes her mother to become paralysed. Third, she learns that Madhuri is actually her adopted sister and the crazy woman is Madhuri’s biological mother. Fourth and finally, she discovers that Madhuri has accidentally been killed by her father.
There is one old woman whom Azreen has turned to for emotional support. The old woman lives alone in an abandoned house in the jungle. Azreen learns a lot about life from this wise old woman. The old woman however dies in a fire started by Asraf who has blamed her for his grandmother’s death.
At the end, Azreen returns to London to finish her study. She has learned a valuable lesson from her short break at her little village in Langkawi Island. She has learned to forgive others and to look ahead.
My Comments:
Although the novel is a far cry from the texts dealt with before (e.g. The Pearl), it has all the elements of a good novel: exciting plot, believable and interesting characters, familiar themes and plenty of wholesome moral lessons to learn. For one thing, it is lighter and more accessible to L2 learners. In my opinion, what's most important is for a text to have a good story. Does this have a good story? Yes if we are talking about For 5 students. It should provide plenty of opportunities for teachers to exploit the text in interesting ways that will help students comprehend the text. It may not be written by the likes of John Steinbeck or Keris Mas and it may not portray the same depth and richness as 'The Pearl' for instance, but it has a good story suitable for seventeen-year-olds (although I wish it had none of the likeness to Mahsuri!)
I much prefer stories to be fresh and unpredictable without the slightest connection to a known tale (however vague that connection may be). However, I am aware that the plot is different from that of Mahsuri. I can already picture how some events can be turned into a simple play that will enhance understanding of the novel. Obviously, there are many possible text exploration activities that can be done with a good story. Explore! Discover!
Happy reading :)
hey2.. aq dpt bhn rujukn tok kitew!!! hoooraaayyy!!!
sonok gile bcwe novel td.. khusyuk ja.. bce dr tyme reht smpai abesh mse sej..hahaha gile an2?? bleyh la phm skit2 jln crite nye.. tp msh blur2 agi la.. so nk phm agi, kne la bce utk ke 2,3 n seterusnya.. smpai aq leyh hafal jln crite..yeayyy.. tp btol kwn aq ckp, besh agi novel yg thn leps..(MELUNAS RINDU..) tp xpeww.. kne blaja dua2.. xleyh lpew.. novel terbek woo penh bce.. besh2.:).. jum share maklumat..
Novel, "KABUS DI PERBUKITAN" ini akan mula digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 5 di negeri Johor, Sabah, Sarawak dan WP Labuan mulai tahun 2011. Novel ini merupakan novel generasi kedua selepas novel, "PUTERA GUNUNG TAHAN" yang telah digunakan sejak tahun 2001. Secara keseluruhan sinopsis cerita berkisar kepada pahit manis kehidupan watak utama novel iaitu FARIDAH sejak dilahirkan sehingga mempunyai keluarga sendiri. Ditakdirkan mempunyai kembar tetapi suratan ilahi menentukan segala-galanya apabila Faridah terpisah daripada adik kembarnya RAHAYU gara-gara kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh bapanya bernama KAMARUDIN yang dikatakan menjadi punca keretakan rumah tangga. Takdir juga menentukan bahawa FARIDAH akan kehilangan RAHAYU apabila dipertemukan untuk kali kedua. Malang berganda yang menimpa FARIDAH umpama jatuh ditimpa tangga apabila ibunya SALMAH dan suaminya, GHAZALI pula meninggal dunia. Takdir membawanya ke bumi KIWI ( New Zealand) apabila ditawarkan berkursus selama enam bulan. Takdir juga membuka hatinya untuk menerima lamaran seorang pemuda bernama SOLEH JOHNSONS dan seterusnya dikurniai dua orang puteri (juga kembar) dan memutuskan untuk terus tinggal di sana membina keluarga bahagia. Setelah 25 tahun berlalu, pelbagai peristiwa sering datang bertamu dan akhirnya mempertemukannya semula dengan AZRUL (teman rapat) arwah adiknya RAHAYU. Mereka akhirnya dipersatukan apabila anak mereka berdua membina rumah tangga bahagia. FARIDAH umpama karang yang teguh bertahan di tengah-tengah samudera yang mengganas. Hidup di bumi asing tidak sesekali menghilangkan kebangaan kepada jati diri sebagai seorang MELAYU GLOKAL.
1. Perjuangan melestarikan alam sekitar.
2. Penyakit kronik iaitu kanser yang menjadi "duri dalam daging" kepada kehidupan manusia,
3. Kerja sosial iaitu mendidik anak-anak istimewa seperti sindron down
4. Tugas-tugas pasukan keselamatan dan NGO dalam gerakan mencari orang yang hilang di hutan
5. Kepercayaan tradisi masyarakat luar bandar.
6. Keretakan rumah tangga yang memisahkan ahli keluarga.
7. Perkara fardu kifayah iaitu makanan halal yang perlu disediakan terutama di luar negara.
8. Usahawan tani yang berwawasan
9. Masalah kumpulan militan/ fundamentalist Islam
10. Perkahwinan campur antara pelbagai bangsa.
11. Amalan Islam yang longgar dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam
12. Sikap prejudis masyarakat bukan Islam terhadap ajaran Islam dan komuniti Islam di luar negara.
Watak utama dalam novel ini ialah FARIDAH.
1. Rahayu
2. Azrul
3. Dr. Hadi
4. Mejar (B) Kamaruddin Bin Ahmad
5. Syuqri
6. Abdul Rafiq
7. Abdul Rashid
8. Mastura
9. Iqbal
10. Azman.
11. Salmah
12. Pak Imam Sohod
13. Ghazali
14. Said
15. Chief Inspektor Aznil
16. Azmi
17. Buyong
18. Sarjan Yusoff
19. Cikgu Raduan
20. Leftenan Abdullah
21. Hamidah (isteri kedua Kamaruddin)
22. Azlin
23. Dr. Susan
24. Suhaila
25. Amah Siti
26. Tuan Cecil Renking
27. Penghulu Garang
28. ACP Ahmad Dan Bin Mokhtar
29. Tuan Hj Hasbullah Bin Awang
30. Meor
31. Tok Batin Senik.
Terdapat juga watak-watak pembantu lain yang penting iaitu :
1. Soleh Johnsons (suami Faridah)
2. Anne Johnsons (anak Faridah)
3. Melina Johnsons (anak Faridah)
(Anne dan Melina ialah kembar seiras)
4. Haji Othman (bapa Azrul)
5. Hajah Rahmah (ibu Azrul)
6. Jabbar Al-Anbia @ Benny (suami Melina)
7. Zain (anak Azrul)
8. Datin Aishah (ibu Zain)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
;) miss y0u ;)
Salam2.. hey2 kamoo di sne..
ye kamoo la..meh sggah jap.. sje nk borak2..
ase makin mls plak la nk update blog neyh..
karg jdk mcm2 sush plak..haha
esok dh skula.. tibe2 teringt pesn die..
" blaja ajin2, jgn lasak2 sgt.. ingt, awk tuh pmpuan buknnye lelaki.. xko xyh la aktif sgt ye?? kurg2 kn la skit.. awk uh dh nk spm.. blaja ajin2.. jgn tggal solat.. jge diri baek2.."
* kdg2 ase nk gelak plak dgr pesnn die neyh.. memg la aq pmpuan cik abg oiitt, dh knfem2 sjak azali agi.. n aq xde plak peragai ganas un.. cme nakal ja dok pekena owg slalu.. memg xbleyh buang woo.. klu ganas cm minh sebelh neyh..hehe.. n 4 de 'things' , i can't separete with it.. ohhh nooo!!! if u want me die, u force 4 it..(ayt aq cm tggang lnggang ja..haha lynnn)
yeaaayyy miss you!!!
- npe la aq tibe2 ingt kt kau?? alahai.. perasaan aq je kowt?? cm la xbleyh jmpew.. weyh2.. indu kt kau la.. *agk2 klu aq ckp neyh depn kau.. mati terkujat x?/hehe muke kau merh cm pkai blusher an2?? suke tgk.. apewlg tyme sukan..wah2.. smpai ke telinge aq tgk pipi kau..lawak la.. dh la lelaki, tp pipi cm pkai blusher..ti mule la kau malu2.. suke2..
miss you so much la.. kau xde tyme cuti aritu.. idop aq sepi la.. kau un bukn reti nk jengok aq kt kg..asek2 dok terperp ja kt dlm umah.. bawk2 la kuar.. segr kn bdn skit.. tp kau chumill!!! love the way u r my fwen.. kau stu2 nye kwn lelaki terbaek penh aq der.. ingt xdlu tyme kite kenl?? kau ckp aq ganas, xcm pmpuan yg kau penh jmpe slama neyh, sebb kau la.. kau yg slh owg, pas 2 tibe2 nk marh aq.. mne la aq xangin?? pdn muke..haha tp agk2 kalau kau xslh owg aritu? bleyh ke kite jmpe n jdk rpt cmneyh?? xmgkin kn2?? alhmdulillah, Allah tau ape yg terbaek buat kite..:) jge diri baek2 kt sne.. ringn kn mulut tuh skit yep?? bru la amai kwn ti.. wish me more luck 4 dis year beb.. spm dh semakin hmpir.. kwn aq kte tggal 316 hari je agi..mak datukkk cuak kebebeh.. apew2 un doa aq sntiase tuk kau.. jgn lpew aq kt sni plak ye?? imysmmd.. defmh...<3 <3 <3
hmm xsaba nk jmpe dak2 nye esok..
geng2 sekelas..
gurls.. n boys..
n of poz our new class M..hehhe
hope it will be great moments wif her.. ohh nooo...
with her loud 'speaker' , we will run 4 a miles 2 hear it clearly..haha *nakal an2??
hey2 kawan.. aq misshh kowg sgt2.. kowg dh xslalu nk jmpe aq tyme cuti.. aq un bwk diri ke kg plak.. nk jmpe 'bf2' aq pnye psl.. leps rindu tyme cuti je la.. klu tyme len xsmpt ..sume dok busy ja.. gurls sume memg sportg abesh.. suke ngn diowg.. tp my 6S xleyh lwn la.. kt mne2 kiteowg adew..pasti akn menggamtkn suasana.. plg gempaks la ktekn.. dr 3km uh dh dgr suare diowg..dsyt gilew seh penangan nye.. knfem nek skula ti.. kowg akn ckp smpai xsmpat dh nk benti2 agi.. fun mse cuti xabesh2 agi..hahha xsaba nk tggu mse tuh.. ti gado2 mnje psl de yg dh xlart nk dgr cite kowg utk ke 10 kalinye.hahha
hey2.. len kali pkai mic je senang.. bgtau stu skula xperience kowg..bru syokk cm kite jammg at mua aritu..heheh miss u .. my bushuk2 fwen..hehe ^-^
Saturday, January 1, 2011
tajok gmpak gileww...
neyh sume kes remaja2 sekrg la beb..
~ de yg pkai tudung tp baju sgkat..
~ pkai tudung tp suar sndat
~ pkai tudung tp legging nye..
mcm2 gye an?? plik2 sgguh.. tp mmbe aq ckp..neyh la gye owg zamn XYZ.. hmm sush nk tgor.. alng mmbe aq sowg uh un sme.. but hmm.. sush la nkciter.. pasti berjela2 ti..hahaha xcyer ke aq ckp?? cbe kowg tgk link neyh...
neyh sume kes remaja2 sekrg la beb..
~ de yg pkai tudung tp baju sgkat..
~ pkai tudung tp suar sndat
~ pkai tudung tp legging nye..
mcm2 gye an?? plik2 sgguh.. tp mmbe aq ckp..neyh la gye owg zamn XYZ.. hmm sush nk tgor.. alng mmbe aq sowg uh un sme.. but hmm.. sush la nkciter.. pasti berjela2 ti..hahaha xcyer ke aq ckp?? cbe kowg tgk link neyh...
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